Bodo Khardwi

1. Introduction

  • Khardwi, also known as Kharwi, is a traditional alkaline liquid used in Bodo cuisine.

  • It is an essential ingredient in Bodo culinary traditions, reflecting the community’s agricultural lifestyle.

2. Production and Composition

Source MaterialsBurnt plant materials like banana stems, bamboo, coconut coirs, and potato plants.
TasteStrong soda-like taste, used sparingly in cooking.
Key DishesFound in lafa kharwi (green vegetable curry), mwitha bangal kharwi, and sojona bilai kharwi.

3. Culinary Importance

Flavor ProfileEnhances flavors in gravies and curries, making dishes unique.
Bodo Cuisine TraitsMinimal spice usage, allowing natural flavors to shine through.
Staple IngredientsIncludes rice, pork, fish, and locally grown vegetables.

4. Cultural Significance

  • Bodo culture values food as a central part of social interactions.

  • Customary to greet others by discussing the food they have consumed.

  • Hospitality practice: Offering Zou (traditional rice beer) to guests.

5. Geographical Indication (GI) Tag

GI Certificate AwardedMarch 31, 2024
PurposeProtects unique identity and promotes cultural significance.

6. Conclusion

  • Khardwi is more than just an ingredient; it represents Bodo culinary heritage and identity.

  • GI recognition underscores its cultural and gastronomic importance.


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